Happy New Year!
As many of you will know, there have now been a number of very successful London Cello Society Amateur Cello Days at Michael Bird’s house in Barnes. The last one was October 2015, for the usual 8 cellists led by noted cellist Corinne Morris.
In organising these events we hope to provide a learning-experience that promises to help us all to become better cellists: for example to prepare pieces more effectively and, when with other musicians, to play in tune, with a rich sound and with close attention to the pulse and dynamics of the ensemble.
With this in mind I would like to invite you the next in the series of these “skills-focussed” workshops, accommodating about eight amateurs, led again by Corinne Morris. Michael’s house is equipped with an enviable 38-ft long music room with grand piano, and three rooms for separate practice sessions.
We have set the date for Sunday February 14th 2016.
After coffee at 9.30am the first item of the day, starting at 10.00am, would be a solo masterclass with Corinne. We would expect four volunteers who would have spent some time preparing a piece chosen from Corinne’s shortlist, at a level which should represent a challenge to them. Mariette Ball has very kindly volunteered to be our accompanist for the masterclass where needed.
Previous spectators have extolled the virtues of watching an amateur solo performance followed by a quick trouble-shooting lesson – there is much to be gained from this experience, the other side of the cello.
After a coffee-break we would split into two groups of players, playing cello-ensemble pieces which we shall have received and studied some days in advance. Corinne will make two tours of the practice rooms during the session and spend up to ten minutes with each group on each visit.
The last session of the morning will consist of the groups performing their pieces for the rest of the gathering.
Lunch will be provided by Michael’s excellent local French caterer and supplemented with anything you wish to bring for sharing with your fellow cellists. We note that home-made cakes and puddings are especially popular!
Corinne will play solo pieces for us at around 2.15pm and depart around 2.30pm.
The remainder of the afternoon will be spent in self-selected groups on pieces chosen by yourselves. If anybody has a particular request e.g. to find a duettist for the Vivaldi Double Concerto or perhaps for someone to provide keyboard accompaniment, we can try to facilitate & arrange in advance.
We will continue until approximately 4.00pm when there will be tea, anticipating a departure between 4.30 and 5.00pm.
The price will be £50. To register your interest, please contact adam@thefridayshirt.com by replying to this email. We will need firm commitment by means of payment by 31st January 2016.