10:30 AM / 3:30 PM
Kings Place
Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG
020 7520 1490
Classes 10.00AM – 3.30PM • Concert at 4 PM and Evening Cabaret at 7.00 PM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ayanna Witter-Johnson can no longer take part in Beyond Cello II on March 12th.
Birdworld, with Gregor Riddell and Adam Teixeira, and featuring cello, drum set, percussion and electronics will replace her set during the evening cabaret.
BirdWorld is a musical partnership between Gregor Riddell and Adam Teixeira featuring cello, drum set, percussion and electronics. Since meeting during self-directed Banff Creative Residencies the duo has performed and collaborated with artists across Europe with highlights including performances at Union Chapel filmed by NTS Radio, Frome (UK) and Sommarljom (Norway) festivals, a live broadcast on Cashmere Radio (Berlin) and an electronic score commissioned by LCO with visuals by Ioana Sisea. BirdWorld are currently recording their debut album to be released in 2017.
Participating Artists: Ernst Reijseger, Shirley Smart with Ivan Hussey (Celloman), Kate Shortt, Birdworld, with Gregor Riddell and Adam Teixeira and others to be announced.
Back by popular demand, we bring you once again another Beyond Cello event, a provocative and radical vision of cello playing with diverse talents in the world of ‘alternative cello’. Lines are continually blurring between genres of music, and global influences are bringing to the Western world new and imaginative ways of making music. The cello is one of the primary instruments in this revolution.
This event brings together the compelling artistry of Ernst Reijseger, whom The Strad magazine characterised as ‘colourful, inventive, dynamic and virtuosic’; Shirley Smart, whose work with Melange and other ensembles in the music of the Middle East and North Africa is gaining her a glowing reputation; as well as a diverse group of guest artists. There will be experimental classes and concerts on the day, and an adventurous evening cabaret of star cellists from the UK who explore a wide variety of styles, including comedy.
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