To initiate this significant transition, we have established three cello hubs outside of London: Manchester with Professor Jennifer Langridge of the RNCM; Cambridge with Joshua Lynch; and Chichester with Professor Laura Ritchie of the University of Chichester.
As part of this process, we will also establish a full panoply of social media, a new governing structure, and best of all, a brand new website with an interactive section full of interesting resources for our members. And of course we will plan our first full season of events as a national society, called A Members’ Season, for 2025-2026.
To help fund the considerable expenses of our transition into a much larger, national organisation we seek the support of our members. Fortunately a generous donor has come forward to pledge a challenge grant of £10,000 for which we need to raise a matching amount over the course of this first year. Look for a special announcement during the month of September.